75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155

Tax Cut Coalition Members: You Are Invited
to the 2009 Tax Cut Rally on Saturday, May 2nd!

My friends, it's been a while since I've written so I wanted to update you on a couple of things. First, we're glad to announce that the Jason Lewis Show is now nationally syndicated from 5-8PM CT. Please tell your friends around the country the show is available from Premiere Radio Networks. For more info, check out our new website, www.JasonLewisShow.com.

Now, on to other news -- including Minnesota's fiscal day of reckoning.

As you may know, a state budget deficit of over $6 billion through the next budget biennium has the tax and spenders reeling. And unfortunately that can mean only one thing: grab your wallet. In fact, Minnesota House Democrats have already proposed at least $1.5 billion in new taxes, notwithstanding the state may receive billions in federal stimulus money. By the way, the stimulus money coming from Washington is part of the greatest spending binge in history. This has resulted unprecedented federal borrowing as well as massive new tax increase proposals.

Because of this fiscal crisis, we are set to ratchet up our plans for this year's TAX CUT RALLY to be held once again on the Capitol steps, May 2, 2009. We are joining forces with the Taxpayers League of Minnesota and Minnesota Majority to expand the number of activities to include more booths, more points of interest, and even kid-friendly activities such as food, music, and refreshments. We might even have a prize or two for the best sign!

Minnesota and the nation need you and your neighbors (please have them join the Tax Cut Coalition) to show up in force Saturday, May 2nd in St. Paul on the Capitol Steps so that the tax and spenders can get the message loud and clear: not one more dime.

Jason Lewis

Official Website: http://www.ktlkfm.com/pages/taxcut.html

Added by tpullis on March 19, 2009

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