Japan's Pop Culture Revolution
8th Annual Japan: Year in Review
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Whether it's manga or film, Japan's cultural influence continues to pervade US bookstores, universities and theaters. Our Pop Culture Revolution panel* will look back on 2005 themes and trends in Japanese pop culture, and its increasing influence and impact in the US. The panel will also focus on 'hot' topics in Japanese media - celebrities, films and music.
Kaori Shoji is one of Japan's most famous trend-spotters and style journalists, and has recently started a film commentary for an NHK satellite program called "What's on Japan."
Eric Nakamura is Publisher at Giant Robot magazine which, along with the Giant Robot stores in Los Angeles and San Francisco, is one of the most important sources of information on Japanese pop culture in the US.
Nguyen Qui Duc has been Host and Producer of KQED Public Radio's Pacific Time since it began five years ago. His book Where the Ashes Are, published in 1993, is a memoir of his life in Vietnam -- and his life in America after 1975.
World Affairs Council Building
312 Sutter Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco
5:30 p.m. Registration
6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Program
Japan Society & Co-sponsor organizations' members $10;
Non-members $15
Students with ID: free
RSVP recommended. For reservations or more information, please visit
www.usajapan.org or call 415.986.4383.
Co-sponsored by the
Center for the Pacific Rim, University of San Francisco and the
World Affairs Council of Northern California.