As President Barack Obama said in a November 2009 joint press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, "In a few months we will be marking the fiftieth anniversary of our alliance...that has served our people so well and has provided peace and security for the region in an unprecedented way. That anniversary...represents an important opportunity to step back and reflect on what we have achieved and celebrate our friendship, but also find ways to renew this alliance it and refresh it for the twenty-first century." With the approaching anniversary of the revised Japan-US Security Treaty, what are the Hatoyama administration's plans to "refresh" our connection, and how will Hatoyama address Japan's role in Asia while moving toward a greater Japan-US global partnership? Our top international relations specialists-Dr. Michael Green, Dr. William H. Overholt, Dr. Jun Saito and Dr. Robert Weiner-will discuss the future of the two countries' alliance and share their predictions on Japan's role in Asia and beyond in the year ahead.
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Added by FullCalendar on February 24, 2010