Conscious360 presents their unique Monthly Mixer where Conscious Minded, Spirit Centered professionals, entrepreneurs, and consumers connect with like minded people and businesses.
Offering the most powerful connecting event in town where you can count on connecting with other like-minded people who are eci-friendly, socially responsible and spiritually awareat C360 events. This means you will most likely be making new business contacts as well as new friend.
5:30-6pm :: Registration and FreeStyle networking
6-7pm :: * A.C.E (Attract. Connect. Expand) Speed Networking: Connect with 15+ people on a personal level.
7-8pm :: * Freestyle Networking: mix & mingle on your own meeting people of your choice.
Admission: $20, First event $12
C360 Premier Business Members $12
(% proceeds donated to Charity of the Month)
Payment taken at the door cash or check please
* Light Apps
* First glass of wine on us
* Door prizes
* Connections!
Added by tracideville on December 20, 2009