Jane Kim for School Board
Location: Punch Gallery
155 10th St., San Francisco, CA View Map
When: Saturday, July 24, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Phone: 415.806.3069
SAVE THE DATE for Jane Kim?s School Board Campaign Kick-Off Party - SATURDAY JULY 24, 7-9p.
As many of you know, Jane Kim is running for School Board in San Francisco. Folks are really excited for a young, progressive, incredibly talented individual like Jane to step up?People are already buzzing, and now it?s time to come together and party to kick off the campaign.
More details are on the way, but it will be on Saturday, July 24, 7-9pm at the Punch Gallery in the SOMA district in San Francisco. There will be food & drink, music, performers, her friends and supporters. It?s free, so please invite as many of your friends as you like, we want to get the word out.
About Jane:
Jane Kim is the youth program director at the Chinatown Community Development Center. For the past four years, she has worked with over 200 San Francisco high school students in creating youth-initiated leadership training and community service projects. Jane also co-founded and currently co-directs Locus Arts, a community arts performance space in SF and is active in the arts/music community. Prior to CCDC, Jane advocated for economic development issues, including consumer protection, higher education and universal life line issues, for low-income communities of color and immigrant communities.
More info about the campaign, including some really exciting endorsements at www.janekim.org
Added by minjungkim on July 13, 2004