In this new theatrical adaptation by N.G. McClernan, the story opens with Rochester’s plaintive cry for his beloved Jane and unfolds in flashbacks to reveal the heroine’s transformation from a mistreated little girl into a woman in control of her own destiny. True to the original work, JANE EYRE illuminates the timeless story of the lovers as they struggle to overcome fate.
Mary Murphy ( Artists Descending a Staircase), Greg Oliver Bodine* (writer / performer of solo adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol), Alice Connorton* (Broadway: National Actor’s Theatre revival of Inherit the Wind), Bruce Barton* ( Busted Jesus Comix, Blue Coyote Theater Company) Nat Cassidy* (The Rise and Fall of Miles & Milo, Fringe NYC) and Hannah Snyder-Beck ( The Seventeenth of June, Mint Theatre ).
The creative team includes Viviane Galloway (costume design), Annalisa Loeffler (dialect coach), Reagan Wilson (assistant director/choreographer) Charles Jeffreys (photography) and Corrine Fuhrman (hair/makeup.) The stage manager is Amanda Elaan.
Adapted and directed by N.G. McClernan (Tam Lin). Produced by Mergatroyd Productions.
February 14 – March 2, 2008
Thur - Sat at 8:00 pm & Sun at 3:00 pm
45th St Theatre, 354 W. 45th St , bet 8th & 9th Ave.
Tickets: $18 at or (212) 501-4751
Ages: teens & up
Official Site:
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Added by lzi on December 3, 2007