227 Maple Ave E
Vienna, Virginia 22180

Jammin Java presents The FIFTH Mid-Atlantic Band Battle. Everyone had such a killer time at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Battle that we're doing it all over again! We are searching for the best bands of any genre from up-and-down the East Coast to prove that they have what it takes to win $2500 CASH, your own headlining show at Jammin Java, Studio time @ Cue Recording Studios w/ producer Jim Ebert and Gift Certificates from Chuck Levin's Washington Music Center for the top 4 bands.

Here's how it works:

1. Apply to compete in the Battle. Only 24 bands will be accepted.
2. Compete in one of four preliminary rounds on July 5, 6, 7 and 8. Six bands compete per night. One winner per night moves on to the finals.
3. Four bands compete in the finals on Friday, August 19th.
4. Win the Battle and you get $2500 CASH, your own headlining show at Jammin Java, Studio time @ Cue Recording Studios w/ producer Jim Ebert and Gift Certificates from Chuck Levin's Washington Music Center for the top 4 bands.

This is a great opportunity for some MAJOR CASH for your band (buy a van, new gear, add to your recording fund?) as well as tons of exposure to many industry professionals. It's also a great way for us at Jammin Java to check out your band in consideration for future shows.

ALL GENRES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY TO THE BATTLE! Whether you are acoustic, rock, latin, bluegrass, funk, folk, electronic, reggae, hip-hop, or anything else, we want you!

TO APPLY: go to http://jamminjava.com/bandbattle/ and fill out the form OR email jjbandbattle@gmail.com with the following info:

Band Name:
Contact Person:
Myspace URL:

The application deadline is Monday, May 23rd.

Official Website: http://jamminjava.com/home/events/jammin-javas-mid-atlantic-band-battle-52

Added by Jammin Java on April 22, 2011

Interested 1