Jammin Java presents The FIFTH Mid-Atlantic Band Battle. Everyone had such a killer time at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Battle that we're doing it all over again! We are searching for the best bands of any genre from up-and-down the East Coast to prove that they have what it takes to win $2500 CASH, your own headlining show at Jammin Java, Studio time @ Cue Recording Studios w/ producer Jim Ebert and Gift Certificates from Chuck Levin's Washington Music Center for the top 4 bands.
7:00-7:15 - FKBS
7:30-7:45 - Distorted Conclusions
8:00-8:15 - Static Cinema
8:30-8:45 - The Elevators
9:00-9:15 - The Native Flow
9:30-9:45 - Westmain
7:00-7:15 - Access Royale
7:30-7:45 - This the Rescue
8:00-8:15 - Prettier in Person
8:30-8:45 - Fives
9:00-9:15 - The Understudies
9:30-9:45 - East Ghost
7:00-7:15 - Midnight Hike
7:30-7:45 - Lightspeed Rescue
8:00-8:15 - Preaching to the Converted
8:30-8:45 - Escape the Armada
9:00-9:15 - Addieville
9:30-9:45 - Toy Story Riot
FRIDAY, July 8
7:00-7:15 - Kill Lincoln
7:30-7:45 - Fourth Quarter Comeback
8:00-8:15 - Wings of Apollo
8:30-8:45 - Nightclub Fight Club
9:00-9:15 - Feed God Cabbage
9:30-9:45 - Bethany and the Guitar
Official Website: http://jamminjava.com/home/events/jammin-javas-mid-atlantic-band-battle-5
Added by Jammin Java on April 22, 2011