Food Revolution Day on 19 May is a chance for people who love food to come together to share information, talents and resources; to pass on their knowledge and highlight the world's food issues. All around the globe, people will work together to make a difference. Food Revolution Day is about connecting with your community through events at schools, restaurants, local businesses, dinner parties and farmers' markets. We want to inspire change in people's food habits and to promote the mission for better food and education for everyone.
Schools, businesses, chefs, restaurants and food lovers all over the world will take part, and we'd love you to get involved too. Food Revolution Day is open to anyone in the world who wants to take the steps towards a healthier lifestyle and better education. You can raise awareness and fundraise for food education programs by hosting or attending Food Revolution Day events, which will focus on locally sourced, fresh food and promote the need for better food education.
Worldwide, obesity has more than doubled since 1980. For the first time in history, being overweight is killing more people than being underweight, and at least 2.8 million adults around the world die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. This has to change, and it's down to us. We need to get back to basics and start thinking about where our food comes from. We need to become a conscious community and understand the food choices we make on a daily basis. We can do this by improving food education.
Encouraging people to cook from scratch at home is at the heart of this. We all have family and friends who could make better food choices. On Food Revolution Day we can work together to empower people with the skills to improve their diet. Making simple changes to our food choices will improve our quality of life and our children's.
Official Website: http://tedxbayareafoodrev12.eventbrite.com/
Added by FullCalendar on May 8, 2012