Singer-Songwriter-Parking Lot Attendant Jamie Anderson will be in town on November 20th, 2010 for a 7 pm concert at Immanuel Presbyterian Church, 114 Carlisle Blvd. SE, Albuquerque. Tickets are $12.50 in advance at Redwing Shoes, 3401 Central Ave. NE, or $15 at the door. Special guest artists include the New Mexico Women's Chorus. Touring since the eighties, singer-songwriter-parking lot attendant Jamie Anderson has played her warm and witty songs in hundreds of coffeehouses, concert halls, colleges and festivals in four countries and forty seven states. She has ten recordings including her newest, "Better Than Chocolate." Her music has been featured on Good Morning America, the Dr. Demento radio show, NPR's Car Talk, and stations all over the world. Jamie loves being a musician, so she doesn't really park cars, but her mama said she should have something to fall back on.
If you've never had a chance to experience this wonderful musician/singer, don't wait another minute! For more information, e-mail gdresden at yahoo dot com.
Added by amyewinter on October 22, 2010