1310 Bayswater Avenue
Burlingame, California 94010

Jim Douglass Will Be Presented With a Pace e Bene Nonviolence Award

Suggested sliding-scale donation $10-$20. No one turned away for lack of funds.

In an essay on James Douglass' book, "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters," film maker Oliver Stone stated, "It is one of those rare books that, by helping us understand our history, has the power to change it.... Those who caused President Kennedy's death were targeting not just a man but a vision -- a vision of peace." See Oliver Stone's commentary on Douglass' book on Huffington Post: www.huffingtonpost.com/oliver-stone/jfk-and-the-unspeakable_b_243924.html

One quarter of a century earlier, Mohandas Gandhi was murdered by unspeakable forces targeting his vision of a force more powerful than war. In "Gandhi and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters," Jim Douglass will present the unrecognized history behind Gandhi's assassination that provides a key to understanding the later murders of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the unspeakable targeting of a nonviolent vision today.

James W. Douglass is a longtime peace activist and writer. He and his wife Shelley are cofounders of the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action in Poulsbo, Washington, and Mary's House, a Catholic Worker house of hospitality in Birmingham, Alabama. He also authored four other books including "The Nonviolent Coming of God."

Co-Sponsored by: Pace e Bene, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, St. Catherine of Siena Church, Pax Christi Burlingame, Fr. Bill O'Donnell Social Justice Committee (pending), School of Americas Watch West (pending), School of Americas Watch East Bay, Metta Center for Nonviolence (pending), JustFaith Oakland Diocese, Declaration of Peace San Mateo, Peace Action San Mateo, Pax Christi Northern California

For more information contact Pace e Bene, 510-268-8765, kenpreston@paceebene.org, paceebene.org

$10-$20 sliding scale (no one turned away).

Official Website: http://paceebene.org/event/james-douglass-gandhi-and-unspeakable-why-he-died-and-why-it-matters

Added by FullCalendar on September 23, 2009

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