1047 Amsterdam Ave
New York, New York 10025

James Barbour will headline the 14th annual Broadway Blessing, an interfaith service that will kick-off the new theatre season, on Monday, September 13th from 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, located at 1047 Amsterdam Avenue (at 112th Street), Manhattan.

Broadway Blessing, a program conceived and guest produced by Retta Blaney, is a service comprised of song, story and dance that has been bringing the theatre community together every September since 1997 to bless the new theatre season. This year’s event is dedicated to Lynn Redgrave (1943-2010).

The evening will celebrate the 50th anniversary of two American classics: The Fantasticks and To Kill a Mockingbird. The Fantasticks, which opened Off Broadway in 1960, has become the longest-running production in the history of the American stage. Charles West, a member of the cast, will perform “Try to Remember” from the show. Broadway star Anthony Newfield (credits include Waiting for Godot and The Royal Family), who recently played the role of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird (published in 1960) at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts, will also participate in the evening’s festivities. Additionally, the evening will include live performances from award-winning singer/songwriter Carol Hall and dance performances from the internationally recognized group Project Dance.

The Broadway Blessing Choir, under the direction of Director of Cathedral Music Bruce Neswick, will sing show tunes and lead the audience in a sing-a-long at the end of the service.

Admission is free of charge and reservations are not required. For more information, please visit www.stjohndivine.org.

Official Website: http://www.stjohndivine.org

Added by bryan42388 on August 26, 2010