Youve seen him in The Secret, on Oprah, Larry King Live and more. Now you can see New York Times Best-selling author and speaker James Arthur Ray LIVE at a free special event in Chicago! This two-hour seminar is very energizing and motivating. At the event James offers great deals on his longer seminars too. Heres what youll walk away with:
A specific plan to achieve what you want out of life using quantum physics strategies as discussed in the movies What the Bleep Do We Know and The Secret
The knowledge of exactly why you may be struggling to succeed while others seem to do it so easily... and what you need to do different to dramatically improve your results
Tools to vanquish stress and fear, increase your energy level and remove unconscious self-imposed limitations
How to use the Law of Attraction in a powerful way
A special gift from James available only at this event!
Wednesday July 1, 2009 at 7:00 PMChicago, IL area - venue to be announcedSpace is limited. Sign up now to reserve your FREE seats at www.5PillarWealth.com.
Organized by www.5PillarWealth.comCalled "The Rock Star of Personal Transformation," James Arthur Ray is a world thought leader who has also achieved top honors in the business world. James is dedicated to teaching individuals how to create wealth in all areas of their lives: financially, relationally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
As a coach and mentor, James has taught thousands of individuals to create harmonic wealth in all areas of their businesses and lives. James has been featured in The Secret, on The Today Show, Larry King Live, and the Oprah Winfrey Show, among others.
Ticket Info: FREE SEAT ($149 value) - go to
http://www.5PillarWealth.com, Free
Official Website: http://chicagosuccessevent-upcoming.eventbrite.com