Corner of Swanston and Latrobe Streets
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

World Expeditions & The North Face presents a fantastic night of tales from James and Justin's best selling book, brought to life on screen with images and video from the journey itself.

"With more than 2000km of treacherous seas, sharks encircling their kayak, dangerously unpredictable weather and currents it was little wonder that no one had done it before them. Upon reaching New Zealand Justin Jones and James Castrission had kayaked 3318 km, braved 10 metre swells, faced howling winds of over 50 knots, paddled alongside sharks and had endured wasting muscles as well as severe food and sleep deprivation."

Around Australia for one night only, for their FIRST EVER open to the public presentations. Justin & James will be on hand before and after their presentation for book sales & signings - a great opportunity for you to speak face to face with them and ask all those odd and pressing questions...

Prepare to be taken on a journey...

Official Website:

Added by ausgeo on November 15, 2009

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