1418 W. Howard St. at Sheridan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60626

Drumming, Vocal Improv, Music, Dancing
Join us for a fun night of rejoicing life!
playing with sounds and rhythms, and dancing.
Allowing the unexpected, the rhythm to evolve, listening, melting,
enjoying, allowing moments of silence, chaos and harmony...
Please bring your voice and/or any musical instrument, rhythm maker
and let your friends know about this night.
For Everybody - Absolutely no experience required
3rd Friday of every month starts at 8:00pm
Nov 20,
Free of charge, donations appreciated
Inner Metamorphosis University Click here
Appreciated but not required. Click here or call 773-262-1IMU (468)

Official Website: http://lifesurfing.org/events-description/jam-session/

Added by Lake Side Cafe on October 30, 2009

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