101 Doe Mountain Lane
Macungie, Pennsylvania 18062

Join Eastern Mountain Sports for a series of 4 events at Bear Creek Mountain Resort on 1/9, 1/23, 2/6 & 2/20. They are part amateur, open Snowboard Rail Competition and mostly party.

The Rail Comp begins around 7:00pm. Live band or DJ from 8-9pm. Great Music, bonfire, an awesome raffle for some great outdoor gear and prizes.

From 6 to 9pm on the January 23rd date, Eastern Mountain Sports Mountain Guide Luke Foley will be doing free Snowboard Demos.

Discounted Lift Tickets are available for each of the 4 dates at our local stores for only $12.

Check out the event page for more information and registration details.

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/jamatthecreek

Added by Eastern Mountain Sports on December 24, 2008