86 South 26th Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15203

The Jalsah is a Middle Eastern music event that invites all musicians (regardless of instrument) and drummers to sit in and play Middle Eastern music for open floor dancing all night. This is a participatory community event designed to bring together dancers and musicians inspired by Middle Eastern music. Experienced....inexperienced...all are welcome! For those folks who wish to sit and listen, chairs will be provided.

Cost is $7.00 to defray the expense of renting the Zenith. Excellent vegetarian snacks will be provided by Elaine at the Zenith. BYOB!

It is recommended to arrive at the Zenith at 8:30PM for set up and a 20-30 minute warm up. Erika May will go over basic dance moves for new dancers while the musicians and drummers review riffs and rhythms with Carmine Guida and Melissa Murphey.

Melody instrumentalists, who plan on attending, please drop Melissa (melissa_pgh@juno.com) a line so space can be arranged for you. Sheet music will be available to purchase or to borrow. Middle Eastern sheet music can be purchased in advance at www.dorku.com

Once again, our special guest on oud will be Carmine Guida of Djinn. Carmine will be teaching a Middle Eastern drum workshop on Friday March 2 from 6:30PM to 7:30PM at Breathe Yoga Studios at 1113 East Carson St, Pittsburgh (down the street from the Jalsah site). The $20.00 workshop is for all levels of drumming and will grant free entry into the Jalsah that evening at the Zenith.

Carmine will also be available for private lessons, please contact Melissa for more information.

Thank you for supporting the live Middle Eastern music scene in Pittsburgh!

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of melissasibemol.

Added by melissasibemol on January 18, 2007

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