Jack Canfield Live for the first time in India on his premiere visit to Dubai, Mumbai and Bangalore.
Greater levels of performance and achievement are attainable by anyone. Yet most people have never learned the proven self-empowerment tools and time-tested performance strategies that are the basis for personal and professional success.
Over his 30 year career, Jack Canfield has developed the specific methodology and result-oriented activities required to help participants take on greater challenges and produce breakthrough results. Jack’s Ten-Step Action Plan shows exactly how to plan for and create greater achievement. In fact, it’s a proven blueprint for living a life of expanded results, greater impact and more measurable on-the-job performance.
By participating in this content-rich program, audience members will leave excited about the potential they have for their career, their company, their personal life and their success goals. But more than just a motivational experience, this program offers the actual methods, strategies, activities and exercises participants need to achieve what they want...and what you as a company or professional association want for them!
Audience members will experience immediate results by putting the principles into practice,right at the event. As a teacher from the smash hit “The Secret”, Jack goes one step further and integrates “The Law of Attraction” into his message thus empowering the audience to manifest and visualize their true goals producing an experience like no other!
Official Website: http://event.ayojak.com/event/jack-canfield-live-mumbai--the-success-principles
Added by Sunita Dutta on March 21, 2012