Hacksaw Entertainment, Sunset Promotions, and Scion present Jack Beats (Cheap Thrills) at Mighty.
Jack Beats - The brainchild of Beni G (Mixologists) and Plus One (Scratch Perverts). Jack Beats represent part of the new wave of British house music. Wobbly basslines, big breakdowns and edgy accapella’s are cut, copied and pasted together to create a floor-filling brand of house. This time we have both Beni G & Plus One playing together for the first time in San Francisco - should crush doubly as last time, when Beni G murdered the dance floor solo!
Support from MoPo, Shane King, and Fringe DJs.
Get your tickets here: http://www.sunsetpromotions.net/events/96895/JACK-BEATS--Mighty
Added by Hacksaw Entertainment on May 21, 2010