Ground UP Productions teams with the Department of Dramatic Arts at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill to present a groundbreaking production of the play JACK AND JILL, A ROMANCE written by Jane Martin and directed by Megan Ketch, August 30 – September 1, 2007 at the Elizabeth Kenan Theatre in the Center for Dramatic Art on the UNC campus (Country Club Road, Chapel Hill). JACK AND JILL, A ROMANCE is a fairytale look at a relationship from first meeting to marriage to breaking up. In this production, the four performers will switch roles at each of the four performances. No two performances will be alike.
Ground UP Productions' Katherine J. Middleton, Amy L. Heidt, Megan Ketch, Guy F. Olivieri and Seth Shelden, all UNC-Chapel Hill alums, will teach the master classes, before presenting the play. Tickets are $15 at
Official Website:
Added by lanieznyc on August 20, 2007