769 East Long Street
Columbus, Ohio

Faculty: Rebecca Ogden
Date/Time: Monday – Friday, July 20 – 24, 8:30am – 12noon
Registration Deadline: Monday, July 13
Class Fee: $75.00 for current CJO subscribers / $90.00, general registration
Siblings register at $70.00 each
Ages: 7 – 11 years

J is for Jazz Camp will give kids, ages 7 – 11, the opportunity to indulge in jazz play. Create and improvise through music, movement, art and drama; explore and experiment with a variety of instruments; play together in “jazz ensembles;” develop a jazz vocabulary; and, remember jazz playtime through audio and video experimentation.

Carol Argiro
614-294-5200 x107

Official Website: http://www.jazzartsgroup.org

Added by Jazz Arts Group on April 21, 2009

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