Nick Farnell, a recent grad from Humber’s Industrial Design program, has kindly offered to present at our upcoming July meeting.
Nick will be talking about the typical industrial design process and (bonus!) will also give us some introductory sketching tips. It will be informal and we hope to have lots of audience participation – in particular, discussion of how the techniques he’s shared might be transferable to interaction design. After the presentation, we’ll head to The Rivoli for further conversation and liquid refreshment. :)
Please RSVP here on Upcoming if you’re attending, so we have an estimate of numbers.
Who We Are:
We're a group of Torontonians interested in interaction design. The group is an extension of the vibrant online Interaction Design Association community ( but absolutely anyone interested in interaction design is welcome -- novices and experts, IxDA members and non-members.
Sign up for our mailing list to be notified of future events:
Added by Meredi on July 4, 2008
Problem fixed - the map is correct now. Not sure what the problem was!
Folks, please note that the map attached to the event is currently inaccurate -- it puts the event in the middle of U of T, when really it's at Spadina & Sullivan (just north of Queen St.).
I'm sure you all would have noticed anyway, but just in case, don't blindly print out that map, hoping it will get you to the right place -- it won't!
The (correct) Google Map is here: