1436 Howard Street
San Francisco, California

[ Please RSVP here, NOT on Upcoming. ]

What's IxDA to you? How could it be better?

Meetup with the IxDA board, have your say and help us build a better global and local network!

The IxDA Board will be in town for a strategic planning retreat, and they want to hear the local community's take on some of the issues and opportunities facing our young and growing network.

Join us for a drink to meet and discuss what's important to you as a member of IxDA...

We will have a brainstorming session.
Please share your thoughts with the group at the meeting.. We are anxious to here from you!

Here's some topics we will consider...
* how do you sustain a global volunteer network and local
* how can we lower the barriers to participation?
* what does it mean to be a member of IxDA?
* how can we engage with other kinds of organizations
(professional, educational, community etc)

Official Website: http://ixdasf.ning.com/events/meet-with-the-ixda-board-help

Added by parisoma on August 13, 2009