431 Kipling Street
Palo Alto, California 94301

Interested in meeting other single Ivy plus alumni? Join The Ivy
Connection for a night of speed dating! Our speed dating events
consist of a maximum of 12 five-minute mini dates. This allows you to
meet more singles in one night, and screen them while you're at it. No one wants to be stuck on a long date with someone you have no interest in!

Space is limited and we recommend registering early. For more
information and to register for an event, please visit

Upcoming Event:

Palo Alto at Vino Locale - Saturday, August 8th at 4:00 pm
Featuring 3 age groups:
Women ages 21-29, Men 25-34
Women ages 30-40, Men 35-43
Women ages 41-55, Men 44-59

Please note - age ranges are suggestions, you can join any group you like!

In order to attend this event, you must become a member of The Ivy Connection (it's free and very easy). Sign up here: http://theivyconnection.com/registrations/signup

If you are already a member, log-in to your account here: http://theivyconnection.com/members/login

Once you are logged-in you can register for this event!

Added by theivyc on June 22, 2009

Interested 1