Looking for funding for your business venture? Looking for exciting investment opportunities in emerging businesses?
On Monday, November 16, the BC chapter of the Ivey Alumni Association and the Pierre L. Morrissette Institute for Entrepreneurship (Ivey) present the Ivey Entrepreneurship Forum at RBC. The day will include presentations by companies seeking funding as well as a discussion
panel and presentations from experienced investors. The day concludes with a reception and provides outstanding networking
opportunities with investors and companies alike.
Companies will be given an opportunity to present their proposition, financing requirements and one key business opportunity/
challenge facing them, in a collegial setting. Our expert panel, the audience and other investing companies will discuss each company
following Ivey Business School’s case approach to entrepreneurship and cross-enterprise leadership to provide valuable feedback to
management of these emerging companies.
Call for Applications
Looking for investors for your business venture? We encourage applications from companies that meet the following criteria:
Privately held corporation with connection to BC preferred.
Company must be in market for Angel or Venture stage round of financing in range of CAD$250,000 to CAD$5 million.
Connection to Ivey Business School is preferred (e.g. management team, board of directors, shareholders, etc.) but not essential.
Growth stage company.
Sectors indigenous to BC preferred, including software, telecom/wireless, digital media, software gaming, cleantech, biotech, mining,resource sector, etc.
Revenue stage companies preferred.
Strong management team.
Apply today to present your business at the Ivey BC Entrepreneurship Forum on
November 16. The application form may be found at www.iveynetwork.ca/bc, and
completed applications should be submitted to mlongo.mba2001@ivey.ca by Tuesday,
October 13, 2009. There is no fee for presenting companies.
Registering as an Attendee
Interested in attending as an investor, entrepreneur or interested party, but not ready to
present? Visit www.iveynetwork.ca/bc for more information and to register online.
Event Details
Date and Time:
Monday, November 16, 2009, 1 to 6 pm
Royal Bank Reception Suite
36th Floor, 1055 W Georgia Street, Vancouver BC
Both alumni and non-alumni are invited to register:
$45 plus GST for IveyBC Supporting Members
$50 plus GST for Ivey alumni
$60 plus GST for non-alumni
Final speaker line-up and agenda to be finalized at a later date. Please stay tuned to the
chapter’s website at www.iveynetwork.ca/bc.
Official Website: http://www.iveynetwork.ca
Added by bootup on October 5, 2009