2-Day IPO/Ring Sport Dog Seminar
Come Train With World Champion & Premier Dog Trainer Ivan Balabanov!
Dates: Wednesday, March 18th & Thursday, March 19th
Times: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: 111 Heilig Rd. Sewell, NJ 08080(seminar will be outside)
Investment: $295 (1 Dog/Handler Team)
We would like to welcome Ivan Balabanov to South Jersey on March 18th & 19th; and we would like to invite you to join us!
This is sure to be a learning experience for everyone in attendance. Ivan's training and teaching techniques is one of the key reasons his students and his own dogs are so successful in competition at all levels.
The Balabanov Method is what set's Ivan apart...and it's what can start to set YOU apart!
To register and reserve your spot now simple click on the link above. Working spots for Ivan's seminars do fill up fast so make sure you reserve your spot as soon as possible.
I look forward to meeting you at the seminar.
Jim FortunatoSeminar
Hotel Information:
There is only 1 hotel that is pet friendly; here is there info:
Motel 6299 Swedesboro Ave.Gibbstown, NJ 08027Phone: 854-423-6600
It is only 9 miles away from the seminar.
If you need additional help please feel free to contact me.
Organized by Jim Fortunato
Ticket Info: - 2 Day: Ivan Balabanov - IPO/Ring Dog Sport Seminar, $302.38
- 1 Day: Spectator Ticket to Observe Seminar, $30.99
- 2 Day: Spectator Ticket to Observe Seminar, $61.50
Official Website: http://ivanbalabanov-upcoming.eventbrite.com