2300 S Washington St
Kokomo, Indiana 46902

On April 16th, 2011, come out to the Havens Auditorium for a night of hilarity for a serious cause.

Founded in 2008 by comedian Michelle Thomas, Ha Ha's For Ta Ta's events have raised over $10,000.00 in the fight against breast cancer. All proceeds for this event will be donated to the Howard County chapter of The American Cancer Society, with all funds being directed specifically towards breast cancer research.

Ha-Ha's For Ta-Ta's - Share A Laugh, Save A Life

We have an amazing line-up for Kokomo's first Ha Ha's For Ta Ta's event, including:

HEADLINER: LISA LANDRY - Ms. Landry has been seen on Comedy Central's "Premium Blend," has toured the late-night talk circuit, guest-starred on "Law & Order: SVU," was featured on "Brett Butler's Southern Belles of Comedy," and has had her own Comedy Central special. Ms. Landry will also be selling her hit CD "Put Your Keys In The Keybowl," & her DVD "Brazillionaire."

FEATURE: VINNY LANDFERT - From Muncie, IN, Vinny has been killing the club and college crowds state-wide, and regularly donates his time and talent to raise funds performing for ARF (Animal Rescue Fund).

FEATURE: RAY PRICE - From Cincinnati, OH, Ray's self-deprecating yet charming wit will lay waste to your ribs.

FEATURE: RYAN MAST - A smooth style with sucker-punch delivery have made this Indy comic a regular in clubs across the state. Ryan recently spent time entertaining our troops with the USO.

HOST & MC: RICHARD THOMPSON - From Paris Hilton to the Pope, no target is off-limits for this local comic and comedy writer.

Tickets may be purchased for $15 in advance, $20 at the door.
Some Mild Adult Material, 18+ Only, Please

Added by complimentboy on November 29, 2010

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