Itzhak Perlman
Plays Chamber Music
with Members of the Perlman Music Program
Founded and guided by Toby Perlman, the Perlman Music Program fosters both musicians and musicianship, with the students learning to share their experiences, and the spotlight, with each other. The inaugural season of the concert series featuring young alumni of the program in performance with Itzhak Perlman played to sold-out houses and unanimous critical acclaim.
“The performance illuminated the richness of Mendelssohn’s melodic imagination and had the fluidity and zest you expect from musicians who react to one another rather than merely play their lines.” —The New York Times
“Hearing Mr. Perlman play is always a treat, but listening to him with these attentive aspirants was pure joy.”—The New York Sun
Yoonjee Kim, piano
Program will include:
Dvořák—Piano Quintet in A Major, Opus 81
Mendelssohn—String Quintet No. 2 in B flat Major, Opus 87
Official Website:
Added by wintlemeister on August 8, 2008