Join us at doterati's upcoming educational event!
doterati is hosting Steve Spalding of Crossing Gaps Consulting in a series aimed to bring your business to the next level using social media, the web and SEO.
This is the first in the series, where Steve will be joined by Nathan
Thompson, also of Crossing Gaps Consulting, to discuss the many uses of
social media.
Join us for some light refreshments and pre-event networking at 6
pm. The presentation will begin at 6:30 pm, followed by a Q&A.
Its Hard Being Human: Social Media and You
Are you being social? Social media has taken the world by storm and
your business needs to get in on the act. Steve Spalding and Nathan
Thompson of Crossing Gaps Consulting will show you how to tap into this
valuable resource. If your business needs to be more social, check
out this event where you will come away with a Social Media Playbook
full of tips and tricks.
Some key topics include:
* Does your business really need to be Social?
* Social Media do's and don't.
* What does it mean to be "social?"
* The fine line between marketing and spam.
Event Pricing
Pre-Registration: Members $10; Non-Members $15
At Door: Members $15, Non-Members $20
About the Speakers
Steve Spalding
Steve Spalding, Electrical Engineer, Editor of the critically acclaimed technology/business blog How To Split An Atom
and Social Media aficionado is a digital marketing consultant who
specializes in using the Internet as a distribution channel to increase
the overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns. He has had experience
building startups, working at them, and speaking to dozens of Founders
and CEOs during his years as a blogger in the space. His work has been
cited by numerous sources including the LA Times and Geoff
Livingstones marketing and new media book, Now Is Gone.
Organized by doterati
Ticket Info: - doterati Member, $10.99
- Non-Member, $15.99
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/295509878/upcoming