3225 22nd Street
San Francisco Bay Area, California 94110

Heeb or not, you are cordially invited to spend Christmas in the company of the "chosen" people...chosen to be alienated and bored stiff when everything is closed on Christmas, that is!

Except this year, we're doing something about it...come down to the Makeout Room on Sunday, December 25th to:

*MARVEL at our Hanukkah bush, flown in from the guiltiest reaches of Poland, with crappy gifts afoot for everyone!

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*STARE at our run of WOODY ALLEN films throughout the night, interspersed with the greatest hits of LARRY DAVID...more details TBA
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*DROOL at the fine buffeted assortment of Chinese edibles - of the pork and non-pork varieties (veggie options)!

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*GASP at the tuchuses, polkes and schm*kels before you as competitors get down for prizes and glory in our dandy game of STRIP DREIDEL!
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*SHAKE a tailfeather to the sounds of former J Dub DJ and M.O.T. Matt Haze!
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You get all this for only TEN measly bucks! Get five bucks off if you RSVP to matthaze@gmail.com with "JEWISH CHRISTMAS" as the subject and your full name in the message body.


Added by Matt Haze on December 7, 2011

Interested 1