502 S. College Ave
Tempe, Arizona 85281

#evfn is a weekly social gathering organized via the webbernets -- but it happens in real life! It stands for East Valley Friday Nights and yes, you are invited. Well, if you're going to be in the greater Phoenix area on a Friday night, that is...

The boys at Lunchbox Collective know how to host an #evfn. Allow me to explain.

They start with an art showing. And yes, I'm serious. Studios 5C will be showcasing the works of Christina Mesiti in "First of Many: Paintings by Christina Mesiti."

They combine that with some fabulous smoked chicken and ribs, all courtesy of Fast Eddie's Steak Seasoning.

Pair the art with your classic wine and hors d'oeuvres. Toss in a few tubs of beer to match up with the smoked meats... and you're well on the way to making an #evfn that no one will soon forget.

Special thanks to Richard Stuart from Lunchbox Collective for putting this incredible night together!

Some folks calls it a Tweetup. I calls it #evfn. Remember the agenda: no agenda. Have fun. Meet people. Party on!

Added by evo_terra on April 14, 2009



Jeff is slipping.


wouldyou explain to me what that is and were it is locted (direction) Kornelialerner@yahoo.com
Thank you
Connie (it is my nick Name