Our officious Itinerant Poetry Librarian and today's selection from her travelling library of 'lost and forgotten' poetry will be available to provide your every travelling poetry library need. Membership card? Check! Free haiku on siging up? Check! Serious official rubber stamp technique? Check! Library ByeByeLaws that enable us to ban you from our library if we deem you have an offensive hairstyle? Check! Library ByeByeLaws based on original Norfolk County Council UK 1964 Libraries & Musuems Act Byelaws and amended for our purposes (obviously)? Check! Officious Librarian with glasses, librarian suit, name badge and incorrigible behaviour? Check! FREE Library? Check! Plus MUCH MUCH more. Heck. What the hellya waitin' for ladies?
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of Librarian.
Added by librarian on February 27, 2007