418 West Garden Street
Pensacola, Florida 32501

Register here:http://itgcoct2009.eventsbot.com

PENSACOLA, FL ? ITGulfCoast, an Information Technology Association for the Gulf Coast, will hold their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at PJC Downtown. Nate Blaylock a research scientist at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) will be presenting on speech recognition, natural language processing and the semantic web.Presentation
In the field of Artificial Intelligence, the subfields of speech recognition, natural language processing, and the Semantic Web are burgeoning areas with a lot of hype, but also a lot of promise. Speech recognition (also known as voice recognition) is the process of converting a speech signal to text. Natural language processing encompasses a wide range of technologies designed to understand and process human languages. The Semantic Web was originally designed to be a way of representing web content as concepts (i.e., 'semantically') as opposed to just text and images. Today, the term is more often used to describe any data (on or off the web) that is defined and processed semantically using Semantic Web technologies such as RDF or OWL.None of these technologies has, in general, achieved "AI complete" status (where their performance rivals or surpasses that of humans), nor do I expect they will within the next 50 years. Nonetheless, there are parts and pieces of each which I believe are ready for commercial use, or will be ready with the next few years. In this talk, I will briefly describe each technology area and separate the hype from the reality. I will then mention some general guidelines and tricks that can be used to make these futuristic technologies useful today.
Speaker BioNate Blaylock is a Research Scientist at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), where he leads various research projects on speech, natural language processing, and the semantic web, as well as advises companies on the use of these technologies. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Rochester in 2005, where his dissertation focused on modelling human-computer spoken dialogue as collaborative problem solving and techniques for fast and scalable intention recognition for language understanding. Prior to joining IHMC, Dr. Blaylock was a Research Scientist at Cycorp, Inc., in Austin, Texas, where he lead several research projects using the Cyc knowledge base. Before that, he spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at Saarland University in Saarbrucken, Germany where he collaborated with BMW on an in-car, spoken dialogue system for MP3 player control. Dr. Blaylock has published 20 refereed papers and numerous technical reports in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Meeting DetailsThis meeting will be held at PJC Downtown (4th floor). The meeting starts at 11:30 am and ends at 1:00 pm. The cost for lunch is $12 per person. Cold box lunches will be provided. The fee to attend without lunch is $5 per person. Register for this event online at this website. Payment can be made by cash or check (made out to ITGULFCOAST.ORG) at the event or during registration with Paypal. No-shows should send payment after the event via Paypal to payments@itgulfcoast.org.The meeting is open to all ITGULFCOAST members, guests and to the public. For more information call our Chairman Chuck Hodge, DestinE Research Group at 850-418-1474.

Register for this event now athttp://itgcoct2009.eventsbot.com

Official Website: http://itgcoct2009.eventsbot.com

Added by eventsbot.com on October 27, 2009

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