Houston, Texas

Italian-American Idol Competition

Application: Application and application fee of $40 must be received no later than July 17, 2009. Applicants do not need to be Italian or Italian-American.
Age Divisions:
13-18 and 19-35

Elimination Round(s)
Dates: The number of elimination rounds will be determined by the number of entries. Please save the following dates – August 8 and August 15 2009.
Song Selection: You may sing any song you choose. Contestants must bring 2 CDs (NO Cassettes) that can be used as accompaniment but there can be no vocals on the CD.
Judging: There will be at least three judges whose rankings will be worth 100% of your score. Participants will be judged on vocal performance (voice and tone quality, beat, melody and lyrics) as well as stage presence (poise, performance, and appearance). The Elimination round is open to the public. More information about this round will be mailed in late July.
Winners: Winners will be contacted via email. The winners of the final elimination round will compete at the 31th Festa Italiana on October 16th. Additional information about the final round will be given to those contestants who are selected to continue to the final round

Added by Festa Italiana on June 17, 2009

Interested 1