Mytton Oak Rd, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,
Shrewsbury, England SY3 8XQ

What is the event about ?
This DC10plus event is to show third sector groups how technology can enhance their work with individuals. The focus is not primarily on technology, but on people using practical case studies to show how innovative projects are using new technologies to engage with wider communities.
DC10plus aims to promote social inclusion through the use of technology. It is a collaborative network of local authorities and their partners dedicated to creating partnerships, sharing best practice and developing new initiatives.
Who is the event for?
People involved in community development in Shropshire and surrounding areas including:

Frontline voluntary and community sector groups & infrastructure bodies
Local authorities, statutory bodies and funding agencies
DC10plus partner organisations

What will be happening
10.00 Registration & coffee
10.30 Welcome & introductions
Richard Sowden - DC10plus - Communities Building Capacity Co-ordinator
10.35 Why the third sector is important to helping bring digital equality in communities
Stephen Dodson - Director DC10plus
10.55 Shropshire Infrastructure Partnership IT Pilot - Results and Needs of VCS Groups
Louise Stokes - Shropshire Infrastructure Partnership - Chair
11.15 Telly Talk - Using technology to deliver services in the rural communities of Shropshire. Learn about a unique project involving both statutory & voluntary sectors, delivering face to face services on peoples doorstep.
Flavia Humphreys - Shropshire County Coucil - Broadplace Manager
Iona Aylen - Citizens Advice Bureau Shropshire
11.30 Coffee break
11.45 Vision Technology and Training Shropshire- Making IT accessible to those with sensory and physical difficulties
Pauline Rose - ICT Training Manager
12.05 Using new media for community engagement - How social networking, blogging & podcasts can provide real benefits to community organisations.
Nick Booth - Podnosh
12.45Questions and Answers with the speakers
13.00 Lunch,Networking andtry out theaccessibility kit
13.45 Workshops A to D (see list below)
The afternoon programme will be practical workshops providing an opportunity to learn more about some of the tools referred to in the morning sessions. There will be chance to try out two of the workshops (except Workshop A which will cover the whole 2 hours)

Workshop A visit to 2 community IT projects (transport provided)
This workshop is in two parts and will involve visiting a Shropshire village to see two projects which bring services and IT training to rural communities

Telly Talk - visit a Customer Service Point in a Shropshire village. Find out about the customers experience during a demonstration with the call centre in Shrewsbury. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to talk to staff about the project.
Broadplace - run by volunteers, offering IT facilities & training for the community. Visit a drop-in session in action and talk to volunteers about their involvement. Broadplace sessions include: IT training for playgroup leaders, Training the IT trainer, Animation & local filming workshops, Surfing & email for first timers and Saving money online credit crunch survival for internet beginners.

Workshop B social media surgery (Nick Booth Podnosh)
How you can make best use of social media. Tools like blogs, podcasts, video and social networks can give a real boost to community organisations often for no or little cost. It doesnt matter if you are the head of communications at a major charity or an active citizen in your neighbourhood, if youre at all curious come along. You may just want to see what is possible and go away and think about it. You might be itching to set up a blog and start using it.

Workshop C film making for consultation (Jo Alker South Shropshire Youth Forum and Fowler + Sumner Community Digital Artists)
A creative way to find out what people really think about their local area / services. Find out how a group of young people in Ludlow made a low cost film comparing life in Ludlow with life in Birmingham. There will be a demonstration of techniques, resources & software. As well as a project work plan so you can run a similar project in your own setting.

Workshop D - ICT Health Check (Angela Morris, Fluid Marketing)
A practical workshop to aid your organisation in assessing the true picture of its ICT health & sustainability. We will explore ways to gain an accurate report on each PC and server; providing you with vital metrics on performance, memory and security. We will also cover budgeting and development of an ICT strategy to guide you through the requirements to provide robust, sustainable ICT.

15.45 Close
How to book
Tickets for this event are FREE, please follow the Register Now link at the top of the page, select the number of tickets you require and on the registration page select the TWO workshops you would like to participate in. (We will try to accomodate your requirements, but will contact you by email to confirm these).
How to get there

Shropshire Education and Conference Centre (SECC) is on the site of Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, approx 2 miles from the city centre.
From the Bus Station (located close to the railway station), take Arriva Bus No 22 (download timetable) which stops at the hospital main site. The centre accessible by car and parking is available. Enter the main hospital site via the main entrance on Mytton Oak Road and continue straight on past 4 car parks until you see the SECC on the right.
Full directions can be downloaded from the venue website.

Organized by North Shropshire Voluntary Action
The Hollies
Chester Road
SY13 1LZ
For further details please call 01948 667650 or email

Ticket Info:  Event Ticket, Free

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009