The Annual IBAHS (Isleton Historical Society) While Elephant Sale.
Event is being held at the Isleton Community Center located by the Isleton Police and Fire Dept near 3rd Street.
Attendance is free. Monetary donations as well as physical donations prior to the event are always welcome. Please send monetary contributions to IBAHS Atten: Sharon Fong P. O. Box 933 Isleton, CA 95641. IBAHS is a non-profit organization with a 501C3 and your contributions are tax deductable. Proceeds will go to the Restoration of the Bing Kung Tong Building located on Historic Main Street Isleton.
Walking Historic Tours are available every 3rd Saturday of the month. Come join us and learn about the rich HIstoric History of Isleton's Chinatown and the Bing Kung Tong Building. Visit our web-site for more history information.
Added by mojavemoon1956 on March 23, 2009