Join the Committee for the Study of Religion in a conference presenting interdisciplinary research on religion and the sacred, and their complex and diverse manifestations in modern societies. Speakers will include Ulrich Beck, Sociology, London School of Economics & University of Munich; Jocelin Cesari, Government, Harvard University; Sherman Jackson, Near East Studies, University of Michigan; Christian Joppke, Government, American University of Paris; Daniele Hervieu-Leger, l’École hautes études en sciences sociales; Saba Mahmood, Sociocultural Anthropology, University of California Berkeley, and others.
May 4, 2011
12:45pm: Chase Robinson and Bryan Turner, Introduction, Skylight Room
1:00pm: Jocelyne Cesari, “Behaving, Belonging, Believing: Religiosity Among Muslims in Europe and America”, Skylight Room
3:00pm: Christian Joppke, “Can Muslims Live in a Liberal Society?”, Auditorium
6:00pm: Ulrich Beck, „A God of One‟s Own: Religion and Cosmopolitanism‟, Proshansky Auditorium
May 5, 2011
10:00am: Saba Mahmood, Workshop, Skylight Room
12:30pm: Craig Calhoun, “The SSRC and The Study of Religion”, Skylight Room
1:00pm: Danielle Hervieu-Leger, “The Rise of the Religious Subject”, Skylight Room
3:30pm: Sherman Jackson, “Islams and Muslims in America: The Wages of Religious Agnosia”, Skylight Room
6:00pm: Saba Mahmood, “Religious Freedom, Minorities and Geopolitics: A Middle Eastern Geneaology”, Skylight Room
May 6th, 2011
10:00am: Danielle Hervieu-Leger, Workshop: Religion as a Chain of Memory, Skylight Room
co-sponsored by the Center for Place, Culture and Politics,the Center for Globalization and Social Change, and the Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center
Added by Center for the Humanities on April 21, 2011