Speakers Include:
Rod Dreher, "Crunchy Conservatism"
Michael Federici, "Russell Kirk and the Conservative Constitution"
George Nash, "Russell Kirk and The American Conservative Movement"
Dermot Quinn, "Religion and the Conservative Mind"
Ted McAllister, "The Romance of Conservatism: Russell Kirk and a Conservative Aesthetic"
Program Overview
Russell Kirk has long been considered the father of the conservative intellectual movement in America. The publication of The Conservative Mind in 1953 identified a coherent strain of conservative sentiment and ideas that could be traced to America's founding, and that found its roots ultimately in the British statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke. As historian, political theorist, literary critic, and novelist, Kirk reminded an ever-changing world that true progress depends on a grounding in a community's traditional prudence and wisdom.
ISI will convene a one-day conference at the historic Columbia Club in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana, to reflect on Kirk's life, thought, and prescriptions for a diverse and often fragmented movement. Participants will also be lead to consider broader questions about the future of conservatism in America.
Join ISI's best and brightest students and faculty in this day-long networking and leadership conference. Seating is limited.
For more information or to register, please visit the conference registration page, write Indy2007@isi.org, or call (800) 526-7022.
Official Website: http://www.isi.org/programs/conferences/indy07/index.html
Added by mmullin on February 23, 2007