Isha Foundation is an international, nonprofit service organization dedicated to cultivating human potential through the yogic science.
Inner Engineering is a life enriching and empowering program. Participants learn practices and techniques that are a modern antidote to stress. Program components include guided meditations and the transmission of Shambhavi Maha Mudra. It is a simple but powerful process designed to purify the system, increase health and well being, and strengthen the mind and body for optimum functioning.
7-Day Program: October 15-21
Free Introductory Talk Oct 15, 7-8 PM
Finnish Cultural Center
35200 W. Eight Mile Rd
Farmington , Mi 48335
Weekday Evenings: 7-10 PM
Saturday 10 AM-1:00 PM, Sunday 8:00 Am -5:00 Pm
Information: call 248-722-0111, 866-424-ISHA (4742)
Official Website:
Added by yogabliss on September 30, 2008