The single biggest mistakes new authors and wannabe authors do is rush to publish. The POD—print-on-demand method of printing—has created more trash than the book buying public needs, or wants. Why? Simply because authors are “publishing” without caring or knowing the ins and outs of being an author and publishing a book. They get duped by publishers, publishing and others who want their money.
The large publishers are downsizing, the traditional brick & mortar stores are closing, and readers are embracing eBooks. These and other changes are affecting literary agents, wholesalers, distributors, reviewers, printers, truckers and everyone in the book trade. The winners will be the authors and smaller publishers.
Is There a Book in You? will show you how to:
Where is book publishing going and how can you take advantage of it.
What opportunities are emerging as the book trade evolves into new forms.
Learn the dollars and sense of publishing.
How to create a book and in which format should it be published.
Identify which format is for you and how to begin the first step.
How to avoid losing money.
Why POD could be a publishing disaster.
How to build a team a publishing team that works.
Learn why the savvy author niches a book.
Determine which publishing option is for you.
And so much more.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone who is interested in writing and publishing a book. Judith’s presentation is full of supporting statistics, scenarios and strategies on what to do now! If there is a book in you, you need to attend.
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Added by DaVinci Institute Events on August 26, 2010