Chaos magick has its critics. A a post-modern free-for-all; a phallic logic of sigils privileging the male; a system that is obsessed with results and is thus ensconced in capitalism. Other chaos theorists have refused this characterisation, aligning it instead with queer experimentation, feminism, demonic creativity and an incandescent necrophilosophy. Tonight's speaker is one such. In this chaos magick, becoming-woman is the primary gender, queer is pure daemonic copulation, death is not foiled by transcendence but its own life-force at the limit; and ethics and commitment are inherent. Patricia challenges original formulations of the system. Not seeking to replace chaos's stereotypes, she shows that its various origins required multiplicity, incommensurability and a future with multiple, mistaken pasts. The speaker is reader in Communication and Film at Anglia Ruskin; publications include Cinesexuality (2008) and numerous articles. She is also a chaos magician.
Price: £7.00
Time: 7.15 for a 7.30 start
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Added by Marysia on June 2, 2011