Based on the classic movie, White Christmas tells the story of two World War II army buddies with a successful song-and-dance act. They romance a singing sisters duo and follow them to their show at a Vermont inn. The innkeeper turns out to be their beloved former commanding general. The boys decide to drum up some business by bringing in an extravagant show. Full of dance, laughter and amazing songs such as Blue Skies, Count Your Blessings, and White Christmas, audiences of all ages will enjoy. It's merry. It's bright. And it will snow inside the Baldwin!
Nov 26-28, Dec 2-5, 9-12, 16-19, 2010
Curtain times:
Thurs. and Fri. at 8 pm
Sat. at 2 pm* and 8 pm
Sun. at 2 pm
* Saturday matinees on
December 11th and 18th.
Official Website:
Added by dynamite_boi on November 29, 2010