“IronE… The Resurrected” is a one man show based on a true story that chronicles the life of writer, director, actor IronE Singleton. “IronE…
The Resurrected” shows IronE’s transformation by sharply contrasting the trials and tribulations of his life growing up destitute living in a housing project in Atlanta during the onset of the hip hop explosion and crack epidemic to his attendance as a student/athlete at The University of Georgia where he attains spiritual bliss.
Through drama, comedy, dance, spoken word and rap, "IronE… The Resurrected" takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotions and peaks with a surprisingly explosive conclusion. The main and only character of this production, IronE, plays a multitude of characters. In addition to playing his alter ego, appropriately named, Alter E, he plays Teen E and Kid E in order to depict his life as a child and a teenager. Also, IronE transforms himself into a thug, crack addict, a hoochie mama, a drag queen, an Englishman, an Asian, a Hispanic, Richard III from Shakespeare, GOD and his own deceased mother before our very eyes. There is also a tribute to Dr. King and Gandhi. This show explores the human condition and offers a solution to the issues we encounter as human beings by showing that “No matter how adverse the circumstances, there is always hope”
Official Website: http://www.ironesingleton.com
Added by newnsight on August 4, 2008