Iron & the Albatross is a San Francisco ensemble that plays original music composed by bandleader Ara Anderson. Their music can best be described as junky circus music, and features tiny clocks, Scandinavian seascapes, The Great Tricycle Race of 1910, Chinese Operas, sailing vessels set adrift, Blackbeard's drunken ramblings, handle-bar-mustached acrobats sent airborne, and love poems discovered in dusty attics. Each piece presents a glimpse of an imaginary cinema scene, rustic theater characters, or vintage variety show acts. The members of Iron & the Albatross include Ara Anderson (trumpet, glockenspiel), Kymry Esainko (piano), Marguerite Ostro (violin), and Safa Shokrai (string bass).
$15 suggested donation. Doors open at 8:30 pm. Show at 9:00 pm.
Added by falling on June 14, 2007