The Druid's of Whispering Lake Grove, ADF will be hosting an open-to-the-public Irish Celtic Beltaine Ritual this Sunday, April 26th beginning at 5:30pm at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Erie, PA, 7180 New Perry Highway, Eroe PA. Our celebration will honor the Dagda, the Great Good God and BoAnn, Irish Goddess of Sovereignty. We plan to celebrate this season of fertility with song, dance, fun and fellowship. We will not only dance through the balefires for purification and cleansing, but also be dancing a Maypole for continued fertility. So, plan an offering for the Dagda and BoAnn and join us on Sunday! Please bring a dish to share for the potluck dinner following the ritual. For additional information regarding this ritual, please contact me at: and for driving directions visit the Grove's website at:
Official Website:
Added by EriePAGuy on April 21, 2009