430 E. University
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Featuring Thomas O'Reilly, Sinn Féin MLA, Fermanagh/South Tyrone
Dana Building Auditorium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Free and Open to the Public

Sinn Féin, the only all-Ireland political party, is committed to achieving a 32-County democratic socialist republic and the end of British rule in Ireland. It is dedicated to achieving a society free from prejudice and discrimination, and providing justice and equal opportunity for all in an independent Ireland.
The IRA's decision on July 28, 2005 to formally end its armed campaign has changed the political landscape in Ireland forever. This places an enormous responsibility on the British and Irish governments to finally implement the Good Friday Agreement in all its aspects on issues like equality, human rights, policing, demilitarisation and northern representation. It also places a huge responsibility on the leadership of the DUP to re-engage in the political process.

Does the recent St. Andrew's Agreement outlined by the British and Irish governments provide nationalists and unionists in the north with the opportunity to put partisan politics behind them? Will Ian Paisley's DUP finally agree to share power with Sinn Féin on November 24th? What are the prospects for a united 32 county Ireland? Sinn Féin MLA Thomas O'Reilly answers these questions and more. For more information, please contact Kate McCabe at katemc@umich.edu.

Co-sponsored by the University of Michigan's Department of History and the Irish American Unity Conference.

Added by msussman on November 13, 2006