The iPhone revolution is not about technology or design.
Apple has changed the way we use our mobiles. Apple has brought applications and design into a commodity device.
There will be a before the iPhone in the mobile industry and an after.
People have been queing for being the first to having it and sales of applications reach the half a billion turnover already whilst only 2 months old.
You may like it or not, but the iPhone is a revolution and a marketing quantum leap for companies.
The iPhone sets your company in people's pocket.
It is having a profound impact on the mobile and computing industries, reshaping how we think about mobility.
This conference addresses decision makers, and will focus on providing you all available information, lessons learned and experts opinions around the iPhone.
It is a unique opportunity to get access to opinion leaders and experts around the iPhone.
The iPhone Conference will help participants to understand:
- What is the revolution about
- How to take advantage of it
- How to build iPhone applications
- The value of native and web applications
- How to deliver successful applications to the App Store
- Business opportunities & Business models
- Security issues & concerns
This is not a technical conference.
Official Website:
Added by akosma on October 6, 2008