6675 Westwood Blvd, Suite 145
Orlando, Florida 32821

Course Description
iPad Support Essentials is a one-day course for iPad users who provide IT support in a professional environment. The course will introduce students to apps that enable individuals to manage company networks and provide iPad support to employees.

Who Should Attend
iPad Support Essentials is designed for IT professionals who want to maximize their skill set and provide expert support in their professional environment.

Students who attend iPad Support Essentials should have a working knowledge of the iPad. An iPad will be provided to the student for the duration of the class.

Course Outline
Brief overview of the OS and Review of iOS
New features in iOS5, upgrading tethered vs. wirelessly
Resetting & Restoring an iOS Device
Backing up & restoring user data
Setting up email, contacts & calendaring - typical IMAP account
Setting up email, contacts & calendaring with an Exchange server
File Sharing
Security & creating a VPN configuration on an iOS device
Distributing secure certificates to an iOS device
Managing iOS devices with Profiles - an overview

Contact: Cari Jones, Corporate Account Manager
Email: CariJ@fmctraining.com
Phone: 407-354-4866

Official Website: http://www.fmctraining.com/fmc.asp?v=Apple&g=iPad+IT+Support&i=1345

Added by Fmc-Orlando on December 21, 2011

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