The Cyclone Tailgate Tour, a traveling caravan featuring coaches, student-athletes, spirit squads, Cy, the pep band, interactive games, inflatable attractions for kids, and door prizes makes stops all across the state. The events are free and open to all fans and friends of the Cyclones.
Debuting in 2007, the inaugural tour attracted huge crowds at every stop and provided a chance for ISU fans of all ages to interact with coaches, student-athletes and staff.
“This has been our way for us to get out in the state and say ‘thanks,’” Director of Athletics Jamie Pollard said. “We (the athletics department) get to do what we do because of what Cyclone fans allow us to do. Based upon our short history, these events have been great friendraisers and an excellent chance to expose young children.”
During the visits to each city, the Cyclones also took the opportunity to give something back to each community by making visits to local hospitals, schools and community centers.
The goal of the events has been to create a more effective way many more people to interact with staff like Paul Rhoads, Bill Fennelly, Greg McDermott and Kevin Jackson. Additionally, the format was created to cater to families by providing lots of interactive games and interaction with student-athletes, affordable concessions, photo ops with Cy and an early evening, drop-in-as-you-please program.
Official Website:
Added by kealohasurf on May 24, 2009