iOSDevCamp 2011 (Produced by the iPhoneDevCamp Team)
July 15-17, 2011
PayPal Offices, San Jose, CA
Cost: $50
Space is limited, register now
iOSDevCamp, iPhoneDevCamp, and iPadDevCamp attendees, as well as iOS community members, members of the press, and friends,
We are pleased to announce iOSDevCamp 2011, the sixth not-for-profit iOS developer conference produced by the original iPhoneDevCamp all-volunteer team. This is an iOS event for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This event is held annually in the San Francisco Bay Area. As with prior years, we expect a full house of just over 500 attendees. With the overall increase in the popularity of the iOS platform, this event may sell out.
Thank you to our lead sponsor, PayPal X Developer Network for again offering its great facility for our event. For those of you who attended iPadDevCamp in April 2010 or iOSDevCamp 2010 in August 2010, we will be using the same space, but PayPal is increasing the available rooms to accommodate additional attendees for this event.
Beginning a week after the launch of the original iPhone in June 2007, our development community has met every year to promote the work of developers and designers for iOS. The event will feature a large gathering on PayPal's main campus in San Jose, along with simultaneous satellite events to connect developers around the world.
As a reminder, 100% of your registration fee goes to event costs. We are a not-for-profit all-volunteer group. With just a couple of months before the event, now is the time to register if you plan to attend. The event draws people nationally and internationally.
As with the past few events, we will be charging a small registration fee for attendees of $50. This will help with food costs, while we will be relying upon sponsors for additional event costs - badges, banners, equipment, and other miscellaneous expenses. All money collected from attendees and sponsors will go toward the production of the event. iOSDevCamp is a not-for-profit event and the volunteers and organizers are not paid for participation.
Please Note: iOSDevCamp is an event for iOS developers and designers with some previous experience on the platform, either the Native SDK or the web. This is not a user event, nor a basic training opportunity. Participants are expected to bring their knowledge, and extend their skills with connections to other developers and designers.
Attendees will include iOS developers, web developers, UI designers, entrepreneurs, and testers, all working together over the weekend. Development projects will include both solo and team efforts. While some attendees will wish to work solo during the event, we encourage attendees to team up, based on expertise, to work in ad-hoc project development teams. All attendees should be prepared to work on a development project during the event with demos and awards taking place during the final day.
We have some exciting things in store this year - a few things we're not quite ready to announce, but check back regularly for updates on the event.
Interested in sponsoring iOSDevCamp? Visit our 'Why Sponsor?' page:
iOSDevCamp is not affiliated with Apple, Inc.
Apple, iPhone, iPad, iOS, and iPod are trademarks of Apple. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
We hope to see you there!
Raven Zachary, Dom Sagolla, and Christopher Allen (iOSDevCamp Organizers)
Official Website:
Added by ravenzachary on May 17, 2011